

TEXHA offers its customers the installation services for both cage and cage-free poultry management equipment.

Our key competitive advantage is the highly qualified and competent engineers of our Installation Department  running its operations as TEXHA’s structural business unit.

TEXHA’s extensive expertise and experience in implementation of versatile installation projects globally enable us to successfully solve even the most complicated equipment assembly and mounting tasks.

TEXHA offers its customers to installation project arrangement options:

  1. Supervised installation, where we are responsible only for operational management and installation control; i.e. the installation project is managed and coordinated by TEXHA’s engineers, while the actual installation works are performed by the third-party personnel contracted by the customer.
  2. Full installation, where the entire installation project is organized and implemented by TEXHA’s team as a turnkey solution.

The equipment installation process includes the following steps:

  • Development of the general installation plan in compliance with applicable standards and requirements of technical documents;
  • Field visit of TEXHA’s engineer to the upcoming installation site in order to conduct preliminary audit of the facility and develop recommendations regarding the future preparation works.
  • Development of schedule of activities to be carried out by the installation service engineers at the facility. Approval of such schedule with the customer.
  • Actual performance of installation and pre-commissioning operations.
  • Facility commissioning.

TEXHA has an impressive record of successfully arranged and implemented installation projects in more than 30 countries globally with varying degrees of complexity, equipment configurations and climatic conditions.

TEXHA is committed to complete the equipment installation within the minimum period of time in strict compliance with consistently high workmanship and quality standards.

TEXHA provides warranty for any works performed by its installation service engineers.

Our clients

Our awards

Geography of our objects

More than 1500 objects in 33 countries on 4 continents