Technological Support

Technological Support

Technological center is TEXHA’s structural business unit responsible for veterinary and technological support of poultry farming processes.

The experts of our Technological Center offer the customers professional support and advice for efficient rearing and management of health poultry flocks.

TEXHA’s process engineers use the case-by-case approach for each project and each customer. In developing their recommendations, they consider a wide array of various factors, including, but not limited to cross breed of birds, flock productivity level and climatic conditions at the poultry farm location.

Our Technological Center offers the following services:

  • Calculation of the poultry flock size required in order to achieve the pre-defined meat and egg production volume.
  • Poultry feed ration planning.
  • Technological support at any stages of flock loading, rearing and management.
  • Advice and consulting regarding poultry growing and management.

TEXHA has an impressive record of successful projects in more than 30 countries. Our process engineers offer the customer professional support regardless of the poultry flock size, poultry management approach or climatic conditions.

Our clients

Our awards

Geography of our objects

More than 1500 objects in 33 countries on 4 continents