New installationsNews and ArticlesInstallation of New Cage Equipment for Laying Hen Management


Installation of new cage equipment for laying hen management: eight 6-tier battery cages with elevator-based egg collection system are successfully installed at the facility with the dimensions of 22×100 meters. This poultry plant will house a flock of 120 960 hens. This is the second aviary equipped with the TEXHA’s solutions at this poultry farm, where the first aviary for 100 000 birds was built earlier and has already been put into operation. We also installed the JUNIOR pullet management equipment at the plant, including six 6-tier battery cages for more than 100 000 birds in the building with dimensions of 20х71 m.

A common system of conveyors collects the eggs from three aviaries and sends them to a grading and packaging shop. The designed capacity of all aviaries is about 300 000 eggs per day. The Nabel Canopus 4000 grading machine installed by TEXHA sorts, labels and packs the eggs and then sends them to the egg storage facility. It is capable of handling up to 40 000 eggs an hour.

Nabel, a Japanese company, is a global leader on the market of egg grading, labeling and packing machines, as well as other industrial poultry equipment such as washing machines, quality detectors, etc. The product family ranges from semi-automated machines for small companies to huge facilities capable of processing hundreds of thousands of eggs for major poultry businesses.

New installation for Laying Hen
Cage Equipment for Laying Hen
Клеточное оборудование для кур-несушек, панель управления
Cage Equipment for egg production
Eight 6-tier battery cages
Nabel Canopus 4000 grading machine
Nabel Canopus 4000 grading machine installed by TEXHA
Линия сортировки и упаковки яиц
Упаковочное оборудование Nabel Canopus 4000
Egg sorting and packing line Nabel Canopus 4000
Nabel Canopus 4000 яйцесортировальная машина