News and ArticlesHitFeed Feeder for Broilers Farmed Using Deep Litter Method


TEXHA has designed the HitFeed feeder specially for deep litter farming of broilers. The feeder is suitable for all crosses and ages of broilers from the very first day of life.

HitFeed is designed to improve the quality of broiler meat production, increase production volumes and boost cost-efficient use of feed. The design and construction of HitFeed is based on the recommendations of the largest broiler meat producers. All customer requirements were taken into account at the design stage to create a versatile HitFeed solution for broilers farmed using the deep litter method. Our poultry business partners also offered their existing facilities for trail of the new feeders, supplied by TEXHA free of charge to collect statistic data and analyze the effectiveness of the equipment

Кормушка HitFeed для бройлеров

HitFeed Design

  • Round bowl with W-shaped bottom profile, which is embedded deeply into the litter bedding, ensuring the chick access to feed along the entire circumference of the feeder from the first day of life.
  • Feeding front (circumferential length) — 1 m.
  • 6 levels of feed supply adjustment for different ages and crosses of poultry.
  • 14 beams on the feeder frame to ensure free access to the feed around the entire circumference.
  • 7 divider partition protect the feed from scattering and lost and enable even distribution of feed at the bottom of the feeder.
  • A special valve on the dispenser allows the feed flow shut off to a specific feeder without a need to shut down the entire feeding line.
  • Three types of holder: a holder for seam pipe without rotation, a holder for seam pipe with ±90° vertical swivel option, and a holder for round pipe.
  • The feeder can be easily dismantled without tools. Its design allows removal of the bottom without detaching it completely from the feeder, thus preparing the feeder for washing, but without compromising the “integrity” of the feeder (all elements of the feeder remain on the tube).

HitFeed Reliability and Quality 

HitFeed broiler feeders are made of environmentally friendly, virgin raw materials. Biologically neutral plastic is odorless, hard-wearing, flexible and durable. It is resistant to shock loads, deformation and aggressive environment. Feeders can be pressure-washed with disinfectants and detergents. Reliability and quality of HitFeed has been tested at the TEXHA laboratory and R&D center. The feeders also passed the practical trails at the operating broiler farms using deep litter method.

The pipe holder option with a seam and the possibility of rotation allows the feeder to rotate ±90° relatively to the vertical on the feed distribution pipe.

In this way, the parts of the device cannot be broken, if they are accidentally caught or washed under high pressure.